One other thing to share, this bookmark, I made the other day. The scarecrow and verse are AJ's
I hope you all are having a nice Fall. The colors are beautiful and I hope they stay on the trees for a few more weeks. We have had some strong winds and many have fallen, yet there are still leaves that haven't changed color yet. Winter was trying to make an early entrance, but thankfully the past week or so we have gotten a little warmer. Isn't it funny how when we go from summer temps. to the 50's we think it's SO cold and then after a couple of weeks in the 40's, it then goes to the 50's and we think, oh it's so nice and warm out!!! Well, no matter what the weather today, I hope you have a nice day and you get some ink on those fingers or paper & if you can't stamp. . .well, think about what you will do, when you can stamp.
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