Saturday, August 1, 2009

M & M saying

I'm sorry the scan didn't show what the stamp said clearly.
Any way, here is what is says:
The Chocolate Lover's
Survival Kit
At the first sign of anger
eat a RED one.
eat a BLUE one to
minimize depression
To relieve stress,
eat a GREEN one.
If you feel a headache
coming on,
eat an ORANGE one.
Eat a YELLOW one
to cheer you up.
You can eat the BROWN
ones at any time.
If all symptoms occur
at the same time,
The stamp is made by Morning Star; check them out at
Hope you are having a very pleasant Saturday and hoping you find just a little time to stamp today. Even if you only work on a card 15 minutes at a time, before you know it, you will have one done! I know many cards might not take that long, yet others may take some time. It all depends on how elaborate it might be. Please, know though sometimes we get stuck with what images we should use or what color paper or should I put an embellishment on or what kind of background, etc. . . and then we might have some newer stampers, who are overwhelmed. Just have fun, stamping is not to cause worry or stress :D

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