Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I'm half back!!!

Wow, what a week it has been, without a computer. It is strange not having a computer to check my e-mail and reply to people. . .it is odd not having the Internet. Finally, my computer is back up and running correctly, after a week of not working and having to take it in and in again!!! And, thankfully, it didn't cost me an arm and a leg. Ed, who worked on my computer, has made me a very happy customer. I think he might have gone beyond what others would have done and for very reasonable rates -- extremely reasonable. I do have to get a new printer, as I don't have my installation CD and I am not able to download what I need from the Internet. Well, once again, I am taught a lesson! Keep all your program CD's and put them all in the same place. I will do some more searching this morning, but if I can't find it and since I had been having issues with my printer, I will most likely go printer shopping or looking this afternoon. That is IF I can get out of the driveway! We got hit with a snowstorm last night. We only got about 5 to 6 inches, however it is VERY wet and heavy and mixed with the snow, we received sleet or freezing rain. I don't think the temperature will be warm enough to melt it today, so I'll give my neighbor a call later and see if he will clear my drive, by late this afternoon, as I do need to get to Green Bay early this evening. Mr. Inky will be flying in and I will be at the airport!!! He had to go to St. Louis for a few days, related to work.

I have been making cards and hope to show you a couple of them sooner rather than later.

Hope all is well with you and you have been able to get some ink on your fingers.
Till next time!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Inky,

    So happy that all your computer woes are fixed!
    Nice to have you back in blogland.
